Wednesday, April 23, 2008

You're Welcome

Glad Rick has found our blog, signed up and has dived right in!  That's the only way to learn all this new technology.  Congrats Rick!  I hope others will join him soon.

As Rick mentioned in his blog, Second Life was a timely topic at Tuesday night's KC MCA-I After Hours held at the River Market Brewery.  Of the two tables full of folks, a couple of our members discussed how they are very much into Second Life,  both in the gaming and virtual world of avatars it offers but also into using it to actually storyboard projects to show customers or potential customers exactly what their project will look like and to convey the production companies ideas.  This is a new concept and new tools to which are now available to us.  It is in the grasping of the concept, comfort levels to work in such an enviroment and being able to connect with your clients using such technology.

So, don't miss our monthly After Hours!

As the John Prine song goes - "Its a big, ol' Goofy World".  I'm just glad the weather has turned to spring and I can sit upon my deck and enjoy nature.

And perhaps someday I'll own an iPod

that I can place in an all weather dock

on the deck, without a clock

imagining I'm on a dock

listening to all those digital bits turn into analog waves,

as the sun sets and a peaceful world sails toward another day.

Russ Wojtkiewicz

(I've got to get out of this workstation more often....)

thanks Russ !

wow - this is great. I've not been a blogger but i guess i am now. thanks to Russ for putting this together. I've been meeting with a few clients and potential clients regarding creating some buzz on Youtube (or similar) and also in Second Life. So, I got onto Second Life (I'm "Franc Later") and stumbled around - have much to learn on just how to get around, etc. but I think this may be a tool for business and other potential use that may interest our group. not much else to say now but...i'll be back.


Welcome to the Kansas City MCA-I Blog!

You've entered the blogging  world for the Kansas City Chapter of Media Communications Association-International.  Here you will find blog entries from members on various topics related to our industry of providing electronic communications to the world.  These include the vocations and crafts of audio, video, internet, photographic disciplines as well as all the support jobs that make up our world such as script writing, graphic design, videography, filmmaking, talent and crafts.

Blogging on this post is open to all members of the KC MCA-I chapter.  Simply send your email to us and we will include you in our team of authors.

Subscribe and enjoy!