Wednesday, April 23, 2008

You're Welcome

Glad Rick has found our blog, signed up and has dived right in!  That's the only way to learn all this new technology.  Congrats Rick!  I hope others will join him soon.

As Rick mentioned in his blog, Second Life was a timely topic at Tuesday night's KC MCA-I After Hours held at the River Market Brewery.  Of the two tables full of folks, a couple of our members discussed how they are very much into Second Life,  both in the gaming and virtual world of avatars it offers but also into using it to actually storyboard projects to show customers or potential customers exactly what their project will look like and to convey the production companies ideas.  This is a new concept and new tools to which are now available to us.  It is in the grasping of the concept, comfort levels to work in such an enviroment and being able to connect with your clients using such technology.

So, don't miss our monthly After Hours!

As the John Prine song goes - "Its a big, ol' Goofy World".  I'm just glad the weather has turned to spring and I can sit upon my deck and enjoy nature.

And perhaps someday I'll own an iPod

that I can place in an all weather dock

on the deck, without a clock

imagining I'm on a dock

listening to all those digital bits turn into analog waves,

as the sun sets and a peaceful world sails toward another day.

Russ Wojtkiewicz

(I've got to get out of this workstation more often....)


DMcEntarfer said...

Hey, we're getting into the blog world. I went to a seminar a couple weeks ago and the expert guy who was presenting said blogs and vlogs are already a thing of the past and they're on to bigger and better things already. I tend to disagree with him. I think this is a terrific avenue for discussions and sharing info.

What I wanted to add and I mentioned this at the after hours was the website This is where you can create and block out scenes for storyboards in a virtual environment. It's extremely 'game' driven but it is used for that purpose. Pretty cool and you should check it out.

Later Dustin

Russ Wojtkiewicz said...

Thanks Dustin! I was confused that it was Second Life due to the gaming aspect, but this is great info to be sharing.

I am curious as to what the "expert" said "they" are now doing that is bigger and better and making blogs and vblogs a thing of the past. I hope you will elaborate.

Russ Wojtkiewicz